
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Winter Break, December 20 to January 5

Haiku is kind of an obnoxious cat, but every now and then he is cute.  Don't be fooled, as fat as he is, this box is way too small for him.
Chris, Meg, and I went to Sunday River, and had two days of ice followed by a powder day with a foot of new snow.
While in Bethel, we got bored of playing Life and Chess, and thus embarked on a grand adventure to New Hampshire for a better game.  This brought us to a thrift/gun shop that was selling some funky stuff.

We somehow found ourselves in a limo in Boston on New Years after hanging out at the Harpoon Brewery.  Will and I won the cornhole competition despite it being my first time playing.   I tried to psyche out the frat boys by telling them this over and over.
A big storm came in on the day I was leaving, so I got to the airport at 6:30am, and won the standby lottery at 11:30am with whiteout conditions outside.  To top things off, it was an economy plus seat!  Legroom!
California felt very different, and Cori and I went on a hike to Fort Funston on my first day back.  It was gorgeous at sunset, and I wasn't wearing a jacket.
We got two days of surfing in.   The outside bars at Bolinas weren't working, so we caught knee high rights off the groin.  On the last day of my computer-less vacation, we caught a beautiful sunset session at Ocean Beach in clean, but hard to catch waist to chest waves.

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